
A compact device for the production of disinfectant from salt and tap water.

Your green disinfection

Why is this relevant now?
With recent news reports indicating that long-term usage of chemical cleaning agents can have a negative impact on your health, coupled with the massive numbers of trash plastic bottles in our seas and landfills, going green is the only way to keep the environment clean in the long run.

A revolutionary environmental technology is now available that helps preserve the earth one plastic bottle and chemical cleaner at a time.

With OxiBasic, you can get a certified cleaning disinfectant 24/7, regardless of suppliers and contractors. It requires only tap water, salt and a low voltage electrical current to kill more than 99.99 percent of bacteria.

With OxiBasic, you can get a certified cleaning disinfectant 24/7, regardless of suppliers and contractors. It requires only tap water, salt and a low voltage electrical current to kill more than 99.99 percent of bacteria.

Where it's used?
Consider it a disinfectant and cleaning that can be used for a variety of purposes. Simply make, spray, wipe or mop.

OxiBasic is designed to produce sodium hypochlorite with a mixture of oxidants. This disinfectant is recommended by the WHO for surface disinfection in pandemic and quarantine conditions. It can be used in the following areas:

  • food Industry;
  • medical institutions;
  • supermarkets and shopping malls;
  • beauty salons;
  • sport complexes;
  • even for disinfecting drinking water.

It is completely safe, non-toxic, and hypoallergenic for both humans and animals.

Different models are available to suit any purpose, from domestic to small business to industrial, and you'll never run out because you make it yourself. It is only as expensive as the water and salt. It also uses around a tenth of the electricity that a kettle does.

Виробництво антисептку гіпохлорит натрія
Productivity: 600 l/day
Price: EUR 3979
Warranty: 1 year
Дезінфікуючий засіб на основі гіпохлорит натрія
Productivity: 600 l /day
Price: EUR 3979
Warranty: 1 year
Affordable and profitable
Affordable and profitable
Price for 1 liter of disinfectant made with OxiBasic
The usual price for 1 liter of disinfectant for surfaces in EU
99% savings
Advantages of OxiBasic
Advantages of OxiBasic
Cost optimisation
Compared to the price of 1l of conventional sanitiser, you save up to 99%.

Easy operation
Simple and easy operation that does not require special skills.

Availability of materials
The production of disinfectant requires only tap water, salt and electricity.

The device is compact and portable, so it is convenient to use anywhere.

Recommended by WHO
According to the WHO, COVID-19 is destroyed by sodium hypochlorite in less than 1 minute, and without sanitation the virus can live on surfaces for up to 9 days.
This sanitiser will take care of your health. In addition to disinfection, the product has detergent and bleaching properties.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications
How to use it?
1. Pour 25 liters of water into the container. Add 380g of salt. Then put a device which is called an "electrode cassette" and turn on the power.

2. After 3 hours, get 25 liters of disinfectant concentrate.

OxiBasic installation overview
Just three components
The uniqueness of OxiBasic is that it is extremely profitable compared to bottled products. Simple elements are needed to make a disinfectant: tap water, salt and electricity.

Electricity and OxiBasic
Tap water
Our product has been successfully tested
Виробництво дезінфікуючих засобів
Дезінфікуюче обладнання для медичних закладів
Дезінфікуючий засіб на місці споживання
дезінфіуючий засіб на основі хлору
деззасіб гіпохлорит натрію
виробництво антисептиків україна
In Bila Tserkva, sodium hypochlorite disinfects public transport stops.
In Kazakhstan, sodium hypochlorite is used to wash the streets of the regional center.
Get in touch with us to make an order
oxil дезінфікуючий засіб
Get in touch with us to make an order
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